:: Trata de Personas
  * No me dejan volver a mi casa.  * Nunca me regresaron mis documentos. * Los patrones se quedan con nuestro dinero.  


1. Can I recognize a possible human trafficking case?
Yes, a main characteristic of a possible trafficking case is when the person is transferred from their place of origin to a foreign location where they end up being exploited and stripped of their rights to personal liberty through threats.

2. Can I do anything if I know of a case of human trafficking?
Yes, it is important to contact the authorities immediately to ensure the victim is rescued from their exploitive situation and placed under protection. Here the encountered situation is in a foreign location, the consular or respective law enforcement authorities must be approached and informed. There is also a toll-free line you can call: 0802-3232. This line is dedicated to cases of trafficking and has links to the Ministerio del interior (Ministry of the Interior) .i f you cannot or do not want to call, you may report a case through the web at the following page: www.peruanosdesaparecidos.org

3. Is there a difference between the crimes of human trafficking and migrant trafficking?
Yes, there are three differences A) Consent: In the case of illicit migrant trafficking, there is usually exists a form of consent. On the other hand, trafficking in persons always involves an element of coercion. B) Exploitation: The crime of illicit migrant traffic concludes when the migrant arrives at destination while trafficking in persons involves exploitation after the transferring. C) Trans-nationality: Human trafficking can take place within national borders while migrant trafficking presupposes a crossing of borders.

4. A relative has disappeared. What should I do?
Go to your closest police station and file a report. The agents of the National Peruvian Police are under the obligation of filing the report free of charge.

5. One of my relatives has disappeared. Can they be a victim of trafficking?
Yes, someone who goes missing is very much at risk of becoming a victim of trafficking, disappeared, the persons finds themselves in a situation of high vulnerability: with no family around for protection, so the trafficker can easily pose as a person offering help.

6. Are employment agencies safe?
Not necessarily; as a matter of fact, employment agencies are one of the most common facades used by trafficking networks. It is important to learn more about an agency before accepting any of their offers, especially ones that appear very attractive. Verify how long the agency has been around, their licence to operate, the types of offers, etc.

7. Can domestic workers become victims of trafficking?
Yes, domestic work is one of the areas of economic activity where many cases of trafficking (usually for labor exploitation) begin.. Aside from often being objects of discriminatory practices, domestic workers frequently come from poor, remote areas of the country and oftentimes suffer abuse from their employer like receiving no pay, working extensive hours, not receiving time to rest, etc., all of which can constitute a form of labor exploitation.

8. Are only women trafficked?
No, the trade and trafficking of human beings affects both men and women. There is a myth saying that “men migrate” while “women are trafficked”, however this is false. Either can become victims of trade and trafficking.

9. I have been offered “assured work” in a foreign location. “They” will take care of my visa: can they force me to hand them my personal documents?
No, personal documentation must always stay with you. Being stripped of it puts you in a situation of vulnerability, which is a method favored by traffickers to coerce their victims.

10. Am I putting myself at risk if the trip crosses more than one border?
Yes, any situation in which a border is illegally crossed is potentially very dangerous. The traffickers take advantage of “middle-of-nowhere” borders (“no man’s land” or high seas) between countries to increase their power over their victims, unfamiliar with these places .In many cases, robbery, extortion, sexual abuse and even assassination have taken place against the Illegal migrants under these circumstances

11. If I accept falsified documents, am I an accomplice to a crime?
Yes, using fraudulent documentation carries penal consequences for the person or persons creating and obtaining  it  as well as for the person who finally uses  it to cross a border. It is important that at the moment of departure to a foreign country, you have available all documentation  required by the destination country. No embassy or consulate uses any processing services outside its own  Offices.

12. What measures must one take when reporting a case of trafficking of persons?
The first step is to head to the closest police station. The personnel of the National Peruvian Police are under the obligation of receiving your report and giving you their support to find a safe refuge. You must also describe the facts as truthfully as possible in order to provide proof that will allow prosecution those responsible. In the even of finding yourself outside your country and not speaking the local language, you must request the presence of an interpreter in order to communicate with the authorities and being able to understand the contents of the papers you will need to sign.